2024-07-18T20:07:28.074+00:00 by Amy Sommers [ amysommers_82709_83523 ]
Hi folks, I'm looking for material to amplify B-H plans for Term 2. Besides codifying Roe, what else has the campaign listed as priiorities? Is there snazzy content we can post about the inspiriing things we can do with Biden as POTUS in Jan 2025? Let's go!
2024-07-18T20:11:01.217+00:00 by rootsmusic [ rootsmusic ]
replying to 2024-07-18T20:07:28.074+00:00 by Amy Sommers Hi folks, I'm looking for material to amplify B-H plans for Term 2. Besides codifying Roe, what else has the campaign listed as priiorities? Is there snazzy content we can post about the inspiriing things we can do with Biden as POTUS in Jan 2025? Let's go!
Request in <#1250550849998946417>
2024-07-18T21:04:03.57+00:00 by Sasha S. (CA) [Leader] [ sasha_ks_ks ]
<@1261119912936603731> there are 200 pieces of content in this channel you can scroll through